Happy Birthday Mike.... I hope you have an awsome day! I really miss you! I am sorry for what I did to you, I know I hurt you very bad. I am sorry! I took not only what was yours but I took a hobby away, I ruined your trust in me, respect & a lot more! I want nothing more than for us to be the way we used to be. I have so many fun memories w/you! I loved spending my summer living w/you down in Pheonix.... all year long I couldn't wait to come down & see you & Mason & spend 3 months just "hanging out" w/you two! we would go fishing every weekend. I was so stoked when we bought that pump up raft, I couldn't wait to get off the shore & out on the lake to catch (what we were thinking would be) the "bigger" fish.... then we got sick of using paddels, so we bought that lil motor.... to go even further on the lake..... after many, many hours of use, the unexpected happend. the motor died wayyyy out on the lake (I was way scared) thankfully we kept our oars in the boat to row back to shore, it was getting pretty dark too.... but we mad it! And all those sleepless nights helping you w/your newspaper delivery job. I HATED it! But I love the memories I got out of it.... I would do it all over again anytime!!!! I also remember you waking me up one morning saying Jerry Garcia died.... we were super bummed out! We drove around that day w/our headlights on & other deadheads would flash us w/there headlights & wave @ us! HAHA, we were so quite all that day!!!! I have another good memory (amongst MANY MORE) of us when I was only about 9 or 10. I was walking home from school w/my friend out of nowhere you drove up to pick me up, not knowing why or where we were going we ended up in Big Cottonwood cyn, to go fishing! Seriously I felt so "cool" at that moment, I felt soooo loved & special.... why, because I thought you were soooo cool!!!! You knew the "cool" music, you dressed "cool" being in high school, the cars you would drive, I just felt so old & cool being around you.... I looked up to you like no other back then, I still do!!!! I look up to you w/how you raise your kids.... I try to learn from you since I can't w/dad! I could go on ALL day about how I miss you & how much you influince my life.... I LOVE YOU!!!! I'm sorry I put drugs in the middle of us!!!! I love you Mike, I hope you have a wonderful birthday.... I hope we can start to make more memories soooon!!!! ~your lil bro Josh.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY UNCLE MIKEY!¡!¡!¡! Love Asher & Ryleigh