Thursday, November 6, 2008

nothing new... exept i'm finally proud to be an american

well since my camera on my phone is out of order & i cant take pictures right now, i'll just say hi!!! i'm truky happy that we FINALLY have a democrat running this country!!! its 'bout friggin time... lets just hope he can walk the walk, he did the talking now lets do the walking, huh? i'm sure he will do awsome... i'm also stoked that prop 1&2 (to renew the zoo & tarcy aviary) past... we did it!!! yaaa :-D well until next time "rock 'n roll" love you all


Wendell and Carole said...

Exactly Josh, I agree on everything you said. Hopefully this great country of our's, can come to term's and agree and support the new President Elect. We need to forgot about the Red and Blue now, and everyone need's to put their support behind him, and turn this economy around, and make it great once again. Love, Mom

bev said...

I agree on all points!

Vera said...

I hope the first thing he does is pull our guys out of Iraq.... after that, I hope he will do all he said he WOULD do....

brit said...


kendall said...

go obama!