Friday, February 6, 2009

nanas b-day

Happy Bithday Mom.... We Love You sooooo much, have a sh'weet day!!!!! Mom, I love you so much, you mean the world to me!!!! I am & always will be a "mamas boy".... you have always been there for me. I can't imagine life w/out you! I LOVE YOU MORE THAN ANYTHING!!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY NANA BANANA XOXOXOXOXO p.s. thank you for keeping our family together.... (((I'm doing this from my phone so I couldn't post any pics....because I don't have any of you :-'( )))


bev said...

Its about time you posted again. Where have you been?

Wendell and Carole said...

Thank's Josh, I love you guy's soooo much too. Give the kid's a hug from me. All my love, Mom

The Lil Brodie Krew said...

Hi Nana Bev.... I've been trying to fit into the FaceBook world, its where the "cool" ppl are!!!! When are you gunna join us?